Sprucing up and spacing your garden in spring

As February eases into March, the longer and brighter evenings mean plenty of jobs can be done in your garden! The weather may still be unpredictable at best, however, now is the time to don your gloves and get stuck in.

If herbaceous borders are looking very busy, you can dig up your larger perennials, divide them out, replant some of them and then the remainder can simply be potted. Dividing perennials regularly encourages healthy and vigorous plants going forward. It also adds to your plant stocks too. Knowing when to divide your plants can be tricky, but you can generally divide summer plants in spring and the spring-flowering plants in summer.


Lawn mowing can also now begin – weather permitting! However, be careful not to cut it too short because this will encourage moss growth. I always think that lawns look so well groomed when the edges are nice and sharp.


As the milder weather approaches, weeds will begin popping up all over your garden so, you should try to hoe and mulch this month to keep them under control. Soil can be prepared in vegetable beds adding well-rotten farm yard manure, leaf mould, or compost from your compost heap. Adding these to the soil improves the nutrition but also the texture and aeration too, which is best for healthy plants.


Other jobs I will be undertaking this month include:

  • Planting summer bulbs
  • Dividing snowdrops
  • Sowing a wildflower meadow
  • Finishing the pruning of roses
  • Planting onion sets
  • Planting vegetable seeds under cover
  • Taking perennial cuttings


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