On this page, you will find some research literature about various topics relating to Rothe House. As research is an ongoing process, we will strive to keep the page up to date. On the website of Kilkenny Archaeological Society, you will find most of the material mentioned below. Other external websites with literature about the Rothe Family and Rothe House are indicated by link.

Rothe House
& Garden
- Murray, Colm: Rothe House 1847-1852 – A Flurry of Documentation, lecture given to Kilkenny Archaeological Society in April 2022 (YouTube)
- Feeley, Louis: Rothe House restoration in the 1960s (part 2), in: Old Kilkenny Review 2016, pp. 167-172.
- Keane, Gertie: The merchant townhouses of Kilkenny city c.1580-1650, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2016, pp. 102-118.
- Feely, Louis: Reflections on restoration of Rothe House in the 1960s (part 1), in: Old Kilkenny Review 2014, pp. 31-35.
- Ó Drisceoil, Cóilín: Rothe House (third courtyard), Parliament Street (2010:422), 2010. Excavations.ie
- Ó Drisceoil, Cóilín: The Rothe family garden rediscovered: an interim report on the 2007 archaeological excavation project, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2008, pp. 34-47.
- McQuillan, Róisín: The Rothe House family garden, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2008, pp. 48-53.
- Ó Drisceoil, Cóilín (Kilkenny Archaeology): Rothe House, Parliament Street (2008:719), 2008. Excavations.ie
- Ó Drisceoil, Cóilín (Kilkenny Archaeology): Rothe House Garden, Rothe House, Parliament Street (2007:970), 2007. Excavations.ie
- Ó Drisceoil, Cóilín (Kilkenny Archaeology): Rothe House, Kilkenny (2005:821), 2005. Excavations.ie.
- Murtagh, Ben: Architectural stone fragments stored to the rear of Rothe House, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2003, pp. 149-152.
- Babita, Sharma, Gerald Wait, Elizabeth Ozmin: Rothe House: a history by the authors of the Rothe House Conservation Plan, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2002, pp. 53-75.
- Arnold, Paul.: Schedule of Works and Specification of Materials: Rothe House, Second House, Kilkenny. Paul Arnold Architects, 2001.
- Rothe, John: Rothe house in 1619: from the will of John Roth Fitzpiers in William Healy, History and antiquities of Kilkenny, 1893, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1994, pp. 37
- Banim, John: Rothe house c1808, described in Father Connell by John Banim, 1849, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1994, pp. 54-46.
- O’Flanagan, Neil (Archaeological Development Services Ltd): ‘Rothe House’, Parliament St (1993:137), 1993. Excavations.ie.
- O’Flanagan, Neil (Archaeological Development Services Ltd): ‘Rothe House’, Parliament St, Kilkenny (1992:118), 1992. excavations.ie
- Halpin, Andrew (Archaeological Development Services): Report on Archaeological Excavation at Rothe House (1991:083), 1991. excavations.ie
- Wolf’s Arch (Rothe house): extract from a report to Kilkenny Sanitary Authority (1884), in: Old Kilkenny Review 1994, pp. 95.
- Anonymus: Progress report on Rothe House, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1982, p. 369. KAS
- Sparks, May: Confederate banners, in: OKR 1951, p. 49. KAS

Rothe Family
- Buggy, Madge: Memorials of the Dead, St Mary’s, Kilkenny (part 1, A-B), in: Old Kilkenny Review 1979, pp. 38-44. KAS
- Burtchaell, George Dames: Members of Parliament for Co Kilkenny, 1888.
- Burtchaell, George Dames: The Family of Rothe of Kilkenny in JRSAI 1886, pp 501-537 + 620-54. JSTOR
- Crotty, G. A.: guide to the heraldry of the civic families of Kilkenny in Elizabethan and early Stuart times, in: Kilkenny through the centuries John Bradley (ed) pp 144-217. [available in KAS library ]
- Hegarty, Maureen: David Rothe (c1570-1650), in: Old Kilkenny Review, pp. 4-21. KAS
- Johnston, W. S.: In search of John Rothe Fitzpiers, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1969, pp. 51-60. KAS
- Kenealy, Mary: Armorial slabs on old Kilkenny houses, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1952, pp. 35-43. KAS
- Lanigan, Katherine: The Rothe will, 1619, in: OKR 1963, pp. 30-34. KAS
- Lennon, Colm: The impact of the Reformation on the urban community of Kilkenny, 1540-1640, in: OKR 2018, pp. 35-45.
- Murphy, Claire: Ten civic families of Kilkenny, in: OKR 1954, pp. 1-19. KAS
- Murtagh, Harman: Kilkenny colonels and their regiments in the Jacobite war of 1689-91, in: OKR 1993, pp. 1215-1227.
- O’Connor, Thomas: David Rothe (c1573?1650) – bishop and historian, in: OKR 2009, pp. 73-94.
- Patterson, Tony: Mayors of the city of Kilkenny 1609-2002, in: OKR 2002, pp. 93-99.
- Petrie, Sir Charles: The Rothes in Irish and French history, in: OKR 1968, pp. 45-53. KAS
- Phelan, Margaret M.: John Rothe Fitzpiers’ monument at St Mary’s, Kilkenny, in: OKR 1993, pp. 1228-1233
- Rothe, John: Rothe house in 1619: from the will of John Roth Fitzpiers in William Healy, History and antiquities of Kilkenny, 1893, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1994, pp. 37
- Sparks, May: The Rothes of Kilkenny, in: OKR 1948, pp. 7-13. KAS
- Tierney, Ann: A record of some Kilkenny imports in the late sixteenth century by John Rothe, Thomas Cransborough, Nicholas Langton, Edward Shee, George St Leger, George Comerford, Thomas Archer, Henry Pembroke, William Ragged, James Duffe and other merchants, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2007, pp. 38-47.
- Tierney, Ann: Edward Roth’s letter from Kilkenny 1662, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2017, pp. 93-104.
- Tierney, Ann: Notes on some members of the extended Rothe family, in: OKR 2012, pp. 41-52
- Tierney, Ann: The Bristol trade of John Rothe and Kilkenny merchants 1594-1595 and 1600-1601, in: OKR 2009, pp. 85-101.
- Tierney, Ann: A record of some Kilkenny imports in the late sixteenth century by John Rothe, Thomas Cransborough, Nicholas Langton, Edward Shee, George St Leger, George Comerford, Thomas Archer, Henry Pembroke, William Ragged, James Duffe and other merchants, in: OKR 2007, pp. 38-47.

- Harbison, Peter: Three decorated wooden beams of the 13th century in Rothe House, in: OKR 1973, pp. 34-41. KAS
- Johnston, Mairead M.: Rothe house collection, an Aladdin’s cave of costume and textiles, in: OKR 1994, pp. 111-119.
- Kenealy, Mary: Armorial slabs on old Kilkenny houses, in: OKR 1952, pp. 35-43. KAS
- Law, Edward: The Richard Colles Johnson bequest, in: OKR 2002, pp. 5-15.
- Lightbown, Mary: Memorial to a poetess at Inistioge – John Flaxman’s 1815 monument to Mary Tighe, in: OKR 1993, pp. 1195-1207.
- McCoole, Sineád: A family in the Phelan room, Rothe House [about the Lavery paintings], Kilkenny, in: OKR 2000, pp. 156-161. [RH 86/24, RH 86/23, RH 86/25]
- McEvoy, Francis: The Power of Kilfane portraits in Rothe house, in: OKR 1984, pp. 73-74.
- O’Doherty, Sean: Sheela-na-gig at Cooliagh, in: OKR 1979, pp.72-74. KAS
- Phelan, Margaret M.: Rothe House furniture: donors and description, in: OKR 1991, p. 841.
- Pitcairn, Amanda: News from the Kilkenny Archaeological Society’s Curator [about the Catalpa flag], in: Newsletter 03/2020. https://kilkennyarchaeologicalsociety.ie /newsletter-september-2020/ [RH 88/6]
- Prendergast, Ellen: Viking sword from Harley Park, in: OKR 1991, pp. 815-819.
- Prendergast, Ellen: Medieval jug from Castleinch, in: OKR 1977, pp. 238-244. KAS
- Prendergast, Ellen: Smithstown Axe-head, in: OKR 1970, pp. 14-16 (ill.). KAS
- Prendergast, Ellen: A bronze axehead from Tullaroan area, in: OKR 1981, pp. 281-282.
- Prendergast, Ellen: Two artefacts of the Bronze Age from County Kilkenny, in: OKR 1984, pp. 41-43.
- Prendergast, Ellen: A spearhead with a difference – found by James Healy of Rathkyle, near Conahy, in: OKR 1985, pp. 183-186. [RH 84/23]
- Prendergast, Ellen: An ancient repair method, in: OKR 1986, pp. 293-294.
- Ryan, John: Rotary querns, in: OKR 1972, p. 68.
- Sparks, May: Confederate banners, in: OKR 1951, p. 49. KAS

Gaelic League
- Bolguidhir, L.O. (1992) The Early Years of the Gaelic League in Kilkenny. Old Kilkenny Review 1992, pp. 1014-1026.
- Cantwell, Ann: Miss Cronin, as I remember her, and the Gaelic League, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1991, pp. 842-847.O’Dwyer, Michael: Timothy
- O’Hanrahan: his contribution to the business and civic life of Kilkenny and his close links with the Gaelic League, OKR 2018, pp. 128-140.

People Associated with Rothe House
- Anonymous: Visit of An Taoiseach [Charles J Haughey] to Rothe House, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1981, pp. 204-205.
- Bolton, Jason: The Cistercians at Rothe House 1384-1536, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2014, pp. 36-41.
- De Loughrey, Anna: Parliament Street 1974, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1976 , pp.175-189. KAS
- Healy, P.P. (1893) ‘Inquisition XXXIII’ in History and Antiquities of Kilkenny (County and City). Vol. 1, p376-397. [available in library AK54]
- Kenealy, Mary: Thomas MacDonagh in Kilkenny (1878-1916), in: Old Kilkenny Review 1979, pp. 22-23. KAS .
- Hegarty, Maureen: I must be talking to my friends’ – Micheál Mac Liammóir in Rothe House, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2010, pp. 63-67.
- Lanigan, Katherine: The Banim Brothers – a Reassessment, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1973, pp. 2-12. KAS
- Law, Edward J.: English Academy Kilkenny: George Buchanan’s school at Rothe house, etc. 1787-1830, with Michael & John Banim as pupils, in: Old Kilkenny Review 2010, pp. 56-62.
- O’Dwyer, Michael: Timothy O’Hanrahan: his contribution to the business and civic life of Kilkenny and his close links with the Gaelic League, OKR 2018, pp. 128-140.
- O’Dwyer, Michael: Rothe house: owners, leases and tenants 1594-1897, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1994, pp. 10-19.
- Opening of Tourist Office at Rothe House, Kilkenny People report, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1966, pp. 83-85. KAS
- An old bill from T J Butler of Rothe house, 1926, in: Old Kilkenny Review 1990, pp. 780-781.